What is anxiety?
Ris Adams
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Do you feel anxious before a dental visit or starting something new? Have you ever gotten the jitters before speaking in front of a large group? Or sweaty palms when thinking about the future?
These are common reactions when faced with something scary or unfamiliar, and it doesn’t necessarily mean anything is wrong.
However, some people suffer from more severe anxiety that causes more serious physical symptoms.
There’s help for you if you suffer from anxiety. Many mental health clinics and hospitals offer affordable help if you’re on a lower or fixed income. In addition, your health insurance may help you get treatment, and they cannot reveal your medical treatment to your employer.
As scientists and the medical world become more informed about these disorders, more medications and other forms of relief are found to be effective in treating them. In addition, relaxation techniques are very effective and can even be done at home or in the workplace.
Understanding your condition can help alleviate the stress and fear these panic attacks cause and help you find a solution to stop the attacks altogether. Living in fear of another panic attack will hold you hostage and prevent you from doing the things you love.
If you suffer from some of the symptoms above, seek help from a professional. Get the treatment that can put you back on the road to peace, health, and happiness. You’ll be glad you did!