Advance your career by being your unconventional self
Ris Adams
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Would you ever wear orange sneakers to the office? A recent study found that dressing down can sometimes help people get ahead. It also raises larger questions about how conformity affects our well-being.
Harvard researchers conducted several experiments to see if violating the dress code could make people seem more prestigious. It worked. Students assumed that a consultant who wore orange shoes while teaching a business seminar probably charged higher fees and had more upscale clients.
Keep in mind that this is only effective if people think you’re acting deliberately, and you’re in a setting like an Ivy League school that suggests you have significant clout.
On the other hand, conformity is an issue that comes up everywhere you go. Consider how being a little unconventional could bring you more happiness and success.
It may be okay to go along with the crowd as long as you’re true to your values. Listen to your authentic self and find the balance that works for you. You’ll increase your chances of developing a rewarding career and leading a more meaningful life.