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5 posts tagged with "relationships"

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Maybe you're nervous about meeting with your boss or maybe you rarely see them face to face. Either way, having more frequent and effective communication would be beneficial for your career. Regular and productive meetings enable you to make a positive impression and gather the information you need to do your job.

Learn how to use meetings with your boss to enhance your working relationship and your performance. Take a look at how to encourage more one-on-one time, and spend it wisely.

growthrelationships3 min read

Good communication allows many life situations to run smoothly. However, there are certain relationships that deserve extra attention, such as the relationship you have with your boss. You and your boss have drastically different roles, and when each of you fulfills these roles with a hard working and understanding attitude, you'll both feel fulfilled.

In today's society, respect is often seen as an afterthought. With millions of college educated professionals treating the cast of "The Bad Girls' Club" and "Jersey Shore" as their role models, respect is often taken for granted or ignored as an important part of the way we live.

However, you can earn respect from the people you interact with every day. The actions you take do make a difference.

respectrelationshipsleadership3 min read

You don't have to be a superhero

Do you have what it takes to fight a dragon? Probably not, but that's okay. Most princesses these days are in very little need of rescue. Courage isn't something that you have. It is the choice to stand up and act on your beliefs.

personalrelationshipsgratitudeOne min read

This series will focus on answering direct questions. I do not promise to answer every question received, but I do promise that every answer will be honest, sometimes brutally so. When applicable, I will provide links to resources, but most of the responses will be derived directly from past experiences, and stories.

If you wish to ask a question, feel free to reach out via e-mail.