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56 posts tagged with "career"

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It's official: I'm starting a new job with General Dynamics (@GDMS). I have loved working for Barkley (@BarkleyUs, @BarkleyREI) for the past seven years, but it's time to move on.

So, as of April 25th, I will be signing out of slack for the last time. Barkley was a great place to work and it has generally been an incredily satisfying experience. I've grown a lot since I've worked there, and have made many life-long friends.

Feel free to reach out with questions or comments.

careerpersonalupdatesOne min read

Working at home comes with many benefits, like wearing slippers all day and being your boss, but it’s essential to have an effective organizational plan to make it profitable. These strategies for organizing your workday and environment will help you meet your goals.

Good communication allows many life situations to run smoothly. However, there are certain relationships that deserve extra attention, such as the relationship you have with your boss. You and your boss have drastically different roles, and when each of you fulfills these roles with a hard working and understanding attitude, you'll both feel fulfilled.

Find Out What YOU Want to Know

Job interviews provide an important opportunity to discover if you and your new employer will be a good match before you leap into a new position.

Not only are they interviewing you, but also you're interviewing them! Will you be happy in their employ? Think about what information matters to you and find tactful ways to ask your interviewer what you need to know.

Even if you've discovered your dream job, you're not immune from work stress from time to time, simply because everything in life doesn't always go perfectly according to plan.

Whether you're battling work stress every day or just once in a while, there are some effective techniques you can use to relieve it. Learning healthy ways to release your stress and even how to prevent a stressful reaction in the first place is critical to your health, success, and peace of mind.

careerstressmental-health3 min read

Learning to accept change at work is critical to being successful in your career. Dealing with alterations to your normal work procedures can be frustrating, unwanted, and even scary, but change can bring many positive elements to an active working environment.

What can you do to welcome change at your job with confidence and an adventuresome spirit?

changecareer2 min read

Maybe you want to star in a Hollywood movie or captain a charter boat on a Caribbean island. Meanwhile, you're spending your weeks sitting in a cubicle or chauffeuring your kids to soccer practice.

There's no need to envy those risk-takers who drop it all to start a sheep farm in Montana or tutor kids in South America. Plenty of adults juggle family and business responsibilities while they write their novel at night or complete their MBA online.

Whether you take the fast track or a slower route, you can live out your dreams.

You can make great strides in your career without spending long days and nights at the office. Advancing your career is the result of several small strategies. While none of these is likely to make a significant difference by itself, when combined, the results can be impressive.

Boost your career and increase your paycheck with these strategies:

careergrowth2 min read

Discover how being authentically unconventional can advance your career

Would you ever wear orange sneakers to the office? A recent study found that dressing down can sometimes help people get ahead. It also raises larger questions about how conformity affects our well-being.

Harvard researchers conducted several experiments to see if violating the dress code could make people seem more prestigious. It worked. Students assumed that a consultant who wore orange shoes while teaching a business seminar probably charged higher fees and had more upscale clients.

A foolproof formula for avoiding distractions

Working from home instead of the office means trading in one set of distractions for another. Plus, you need to supervise yourself. How can you stay focused when your kids are bored, and Netflix just added your favorite show?

Remote work has lots of advantages, like greater flexibility and zero commuting time. However, in order to get your work done, it’s important to create a system that keeps you focused and productive.

You can succeed at remote work by providing your own structure and motivation. Use these ideas for dealing with internal and external distractions.

Does your boss keep giving you the same feedback? You need to follow instructions and pay more attention to details. These could be signs that you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

More than 8 million adults struggle with ADHD. If you’re one of them, you may have trouble keeping track of multiple projects or even showing up for work on time. The symptoms can vary widely in intensity, and many cases go undiagnosed.

While ADHD can make getting and keeping a job more difficult, there are coping strategies and other resources that can help. Find out more about how to deal with ADHD at work.

There are many advantages to working at home, but there's at least one drawback. Telecommuters are 50% less likely to get promoted, according to a Stanford University study. Other research suggests that this is due to the assumptions your colleagues make when they don't see you around the office regularly.

If you want to wear your bunny slippers while you move ahead, study these tips. You'll learn how to raise your visibility and demonstrate your reliability.

Whether you are working remotely or in an office there is always the lingering issues of burnout, isolation, and anxiety. Establishing a culture that acknowledges and recognizes this allows for a more productive and fulfilling work environment.

There are no single players in a team sport. Workplace leaders need to establish a culture that is collaborative, respectful, and empowers everyone. Team leaders need to be able to recognize and respect the diversity of the team.

2020 was a year of short-term response to remote work, but it also opened the pathways towards the long-term potential of remote asynchronous work.