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The benefits of public speaking and learning how to do so

Public speaking is one of the most important skills you can learn to have in your life. It is a skill that you can use to make your career more successful, but it can be a challenge to learn how to do so effectively.

careerpublic-speakingchecklist2 min read

An action plan for changing careers after 40

You may not have been lucky enough to choose the right career from the beginning. You might wonder if there’s still time. Yes, there’s still time, but it’s important to make an effective plan for the change. It’s necessary to be thoughtful, but you must also be a person of action.

You can change careers after 40. However, the level of risk increases with your age. Ensure that you are able to handle the risks. There’s still time to enjoy a career that you love!

careerstrategyguides2 min read

Parenting Principle #7: Be Active, Not Passive. Be Curious, Not judgmental

Building a happy home and healthy children requires an intentional effort from every member of the family. It’s easy to turn on Netflix and have a day when you don’t have to pay attention to anything. Some days, that really is exactly what you need.

Parenting Principle #6: Demonstrate your gratitude

Practice gratitude each day – both alone and with your family. Practice gratitude every day. Just 15 minutes of gratitude each day has many benefits that grow from your heart, to the heart of your family, and on to your community.

Eight parenting principles for happier and healthier families

There’s no perfect way to parent. Having children means embracing the unpredictability of life. When you have principles to help guide the way you raise your kids and build your family, you’re better able to stay consistent throughout the ebbs and flows of life.

Parenting Principle #4: Don't be afraid to make mistakes

Life is in a constant flow of success and failure, of happiness and disappointment. This is the nature of life. It is uncomfortable and difficult, but going through difficulty builds resilience. If you find that your child has made a mistake, you may want to comfort them and solve the problem for them.

Parenting Principle #3: Define fair boundaries

You’re the first source of knowledge for your kids. It is your job to prepare them for success in the real world. Part of this process means teaching your kids that there are consequences for all of our actions.

You may see your child be friendly to someone and then make a friend. This is a teachable moment where you can show your child that when you are kind and respectful, good things happen. Valuable teachable moments also come about when children do not meet expectations.

Parenting Principle #2: Be a parent

As children grow older, they begin exploring their own identity. This can lead to a bit of distance between you and your child. This can be hurtful. You have worked so hard and you may sometimes feel unappreciated. Some parents try to connect with their kids by becoming lenient and acting more like a friend than a parent.

What do you want to get out of your career? The answer usually isn’t just 'an income.' We all have dreams of what we’d like to accomplish in our career.

Some people imagine being at the head of a business, leading the rest of the team to success. Others just want a job where they feel like they’re making a difference. One of the best ways to make your dreams a reality is to set effective goals.

careergoalsstrategy3 min read

Have you ever tried to cultivate gratitude? It can be more complicated than it sounds.

Our brains are usually wired to pay more attention to negative events. Hurricanes and heartbreaks create deeper impressions than rainbows and family dinners.

healthgratitude3 min read

I count my blessings. Being thankful makes me happier and healthier

I notice small details. I recognize the positive moments that happen each day. I savor hot showers and delicious food. I celebrate free shipping and the warmth of the sun. I try to imagine what my life would be like without smartphones and voice assistants.

healthgratitudeOne min read

What is a Marginalized Community?

Marginalized communities are populations that are often by society or victims of targeted violence. These communities have the most difficulty accessing resources. Minority groups or underrepresented populations often fall under this category.

Marginalized persons have difficulties in accessing resources because they are seen as second class citizens. They have to fight to maintain their status in society, and this is why there is so much violence within these communities. Marginalization has a huge effect on the mental and physical health of these people and can even lead to death for some people.