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Watching your child grow and learn is amazing, but what happens when your child starts to develop negative habits?

Sadly, good or bad, most habits are out of your control. And although you might have shielded them from cultivating these habits at home, school, friends, or other family members are places and people where they can encounter them. There's nothing you can do to change that environment.

habitsdiscipline3 min read

It's exciting to make it past the resumé and job application phase. Being invited to a job interview can feel exhilarating. Unfortunately, it can also feel nerve-wracking.

Now that you've made it past the initial phase, it's time to make the first impression needed to take the next step.

interviewingjob-hunting3 min read

It's easy to get caught up in planning your future. Planning for a secure and happy future is a significant undertaking. However, spending too much attention on unknowns can significantly inhibit your ability to focus on the here and now.

At this very moment, you can begin to enjoy your everyday life that is currently flashing unnoticed right before your eyes. So let the future come naturally and live joyfully and willingly in the present moment!

anxietystresshealthfamily2 min read

While carefully considering a new idea can be an excellent thing, there comes a time when thinking about something needs to give way to action. Sometimes, though, we stall ourselves out by getting so involved in our thoughts, we never act at all.

anxietystresshealth2 min read

It's official: I'm starting a new job with General Dynamics (@GDMS). I have loved working for Barkley (@BarkleyUs, @BarkleyREI) for the past seven years, but it's time to move on.

So, as of April 25th, I will be signing out of slack for the last time. Barkley was a great place to work and it has generally been an incredily satisfying experience. I've grown a lot since I've worked there, and have made many life-long friends.

Feel free to reach out with questions or comments.

careerpersonalupdatesOne min read

Working at home comes with many benefits, like wearing slippers all day and being your boss, but it’s essential to have an effective organizational plan to make it profitable. These strategies for organizing your workday and environment will help you meet your goals.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a great addition to any online marketing effort. Proper implementation can lead to amazing results, with a higher search engine ranking leading to an increase in traffic (website visitors) and sales.

Of course, the opportune place to be when someone is looking for the types of products, services, or information you offer is at the top of their search results. This is what SEO is all about.

Let’s look at the factors that affect on-page and off-page SEO and how these can impact your search engine rankings.

digital-marketingSEO3 min read

To grow your business online, you may be wondering whether you should invest your time and money into Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC).

SEO and PPC are both great tools for increasing your website’s visibility and ranking; however, they are not the same, and you should be aware of the differences between the two.

Both have their positives and negatives, but is one better than the other?

digital-marketingSEOPPC3 min read

When the weather is cold and the skies are dark and cloudy, it's easier to feel down and despondent. If you struggle with gloomy feelings during the winter, it's good to know that there's help and hope available to you without a prescription depression drug. Of course, you'll want to check with your physician before making any changes to your health regimen.

mental-healthdepression2 min read

Two years ago

Two years ago today my son was born, We had known early on that it would be traumatic--He was diagnosed with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia and had a low survival chance. Over 50% of all diaphragmatic hernias are fatal.

personalparenting2 min read

Good communication allows many life situations to run smoothly. However, there are certain relationships that deserve extra attention, such as the relationship you have with your boss. You and your boss have drastically different roles, and when each of you fulfills these roles with a hard working and understanding attitude, you'll both feel fulfilled.

Find Out What YOU Want to Know

Job interviews provide an important opportunity to discover if you and your new employer will be a good match before you leap into a new position.

Not only are they interviewing you, but also you're interviewing them! Will you be happy in their employ? Think about what information matters to you and find tactful ways to ask your interviewer what you need to know.