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We all have days when we're not exactly our own biggest fans. Heck, it's a part of being human, right? But sometimes, those "not-so-fan" moments can start to pile up, creeping into a dangerous territory we like to call self-loathing. Here are seven signs that you might be in the self-loathing zone, and a few ways to start reclaiming the love for yourself that you rightfully deserve.

Open-source software is everywhere. Most of the software you use daily is open-source or built on top of open-source components. Contributing to open-source software is a great way to learn new skills and gain experience. It can also be an opportunity to help others, as many people worldwide often use open-source projects. It might seem intimidating initially, but it doesn't need to be.

developmentguidesgrowth5 min read

For the past few years, I've been active on Twitter. However, the past few months have been a bit of a roller coaster, and I've been thinking about how I want to use Twitter in the future and how I want my online presence to reflect my personal values.

personalupdatessocialOne min read

While A global collapse could be described as a sudden event, more than likely it will be a slow series of preventable events that leads to a rapid decline in society’s ability to function. It can be caused by many things such as an economic crisis, natural disasters, or social instability.

The term “global collapse” can be used interchangeably with the term “societal collapse” which is defined as a drastic change in the way people live their lives. This can happen due to any number of reasons including natural disasters or economic crises.

We are not currently in a global collapse but we might be approaching one if we continue on this trajectory.

Maybe you're nervous about meeting with your boss or maybe you rarely see them face to face. Either way, having more frequent and effective communication would be beneficial for your career. Regular and productive meetings enable you to make a positive impression and gather the information you need to do your job.

Learn how to use meetings with your boss to enhance your working relationship and your performance. Take a look at how to encourage more one-on-one time, and spend it wisely.

growthrelationships3 min read

SSH keys are a great way to authenticate with a remote server. They are secure, and they are easy to use. However, they can be a pain to manage. If you have ever had to deal with a bad SSH key, you know what I mean. Especially if you are using cloud services where IP addresses may be reused.

sshsecurityOne min read

When publishing an article it is often a nice touch to let users know roughly how long it will take to read, and what level of investment they can expect to make. While every reader is different, the average reader can ingest about 150 - 200 words per minute, depending on the type of text.

jekylljamstackjavascript2 min read

For some people, being likable is a gift. We all know someone that everyone just seems to like. Being likable can make life easier and more enjoyable. It feels lovely when people are happy to see us. Your social life is better, and others are more willing to be helpful. You don’t have to be born likable. It’s an easy skill to develop.

Do you feel anxious before a dental visit or starting something new? Have you ever gotten the jitters before speaking in front of a large group? Or sweaty palms when thinking about the future?

These are common reactions when faced with something scary or unfamiliar, and it doesn’t necessarily mean anything is wrong.

However, some people suffer from more severe anxiety that causes more serious physical symptoms.

anxietymental-health2 min read

While depression is a severe illness, you can fight back against it and win if you know what to do when it strikes. If your depression is brutal, however, it's vital to seek the advice of a physician. You might also find that depression is a symptom of a broader issue, such as undiagnosed Autism, or a serious illness that you can't control.

Most people with depression, though, have a mild to moderate form; they can do a lot to help themselves. By using some tips and tricks to get through depressive episodes, you can feel better and look forward to life.

depression3 min read