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A simple guide to modern Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Why do you need to optimize?

So. you've decided to write an article. Great. Now what? Whether you are selling a product, leaving a review, passing your knowledge, experiences, or skills to others, or promoting your brand -- you need an audience.

This series will focus on answering direct questions. I do not promise to answer every question received, but I do promise that every answer will be honest, sometimes brutally so. When applicable, I will provide links to resources, but most of the responses will be derived directly from past experiences, and stories.

If you wish to ask a question, feel free to reach out via e-mail.

This isn't for you

I have taken a hiatus and haven't written--well, anything really--in the past few years. This site will have typos. I don't care. This site will have grammatical issues and probably tense fluctuation. again. I don't care. Sometimes I will give you something meaningful, other times I might just share something that I find interesting. If you can find any use from these ramblings of my broken, twisted, mind. great. Otherwise please remember. I am not doing this for you.

personalupdateswritingOne min read