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Code; Care; Conquer Life;

What does career success look like to me

  • The ability to love the work that I do
  • The ability to work on interesting problems that provide a challenge.
  • The ability to surround myself with people I respect and admire
  • The ability to respect my employer
  • A fair trade between the hours I put in, and the compensation for those hours
  • The ability to make that choice myself
careerquizOne min read

A Fresh Start

This site has taken many forms over the years, started in 1996 hosted as a simple Geocities site it has evolved many times and many ways. Most have been hosted at Dreamhost, my vendor of choice for the past 15 or so years.

personalupdatesOne min read

Stay curious! And other things I learned too late

Stay curious about everything and anything that you can. Curiosity is the key to learning and knowledge, and will help you grow in ways you never imagined.

Be kind to yourself. Self-love is the most important love of all, so treat yourself with kindness and respect every day!

Be kind to others. You never know what someone is going through, so be kind to everyone you meet. You never know when you might need someone to be kind to you.

Find your routine

In a typical office, you are naturally forced into a routine. I need to wake up early, shower, and drive to the office in order to ensure that I am at my desk from "9-5".

Without a forced schedule a typical day can become much less regimented, and you can find yourself working odd--longer hours to overcompensate.

remote-workcareer2 min read

Surviving Remote Work

I have been a developer for almost 20 years. During that time I have worked in many types of industries and offices. I have navigated cubical labyrinths and fought for "hot-desks". But starting in January I began a new chapter -- 100% remote work.

remote-workcareerOne min read

An abridged guide to life, the universe, and everything

The 5 unalienable tenets of a free-thinker. These are the rules that I choose to follow with the belief that they will make me a better person.

philosophyhealthOne min read

Where have I been lately

it's been quite a while since my last update. I haven't stopped writing and I haven't given up on the site (again). Life is an interesting bitch. I've had quite a few things going on too personal to share, but I do plan on being more present.

Am I Sorry

Not Really. Never be sorry. Own your emotions; you've earned them

personalupdatesOne min read

How to clear your NuGet caches

NuGet caches downloaded packages to avoid lengthy update times. Sometimes, however, restoring packages (such as a CI server) can become problematic. Below is an easy method of clearing your cache to help debug restore issues.

developmentdotnetnugetOne min read

Publishing a page is easy, but ensuring that you have quality content is not. How do you make sure that you balance your content so that it is easily consumable by your readers, as well as making your content easy to find by search engines? This guide will provide a few basic elements that you can review to make sure your articles have the highest possible impact and reach.

SEO is a common term for website administration and Digital Marketing which stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the practice of organizing your site content, meta-data, and link relationships in order to reach higher ranked positions in a search result list. SEO is a basic strategy in any marketing plan and should be part of your standard practices.

So you've just come back from vacation and what to see what your co-workers have been up to? Coming back to a project after a long break? There is a little-known command in git that will show you all the commits that have happened since you left off.

gitdevelopmentOne min read

You don't have to be a superhero

Do you have what it takes to fight a dragon? Probably not, but that's okay. Most princesses these days are in very little need of rescue. Courage isn't something that you have. It is the choice to stand up and act on your beliefs.

personalrelationshipsgratitudeOne min read

How to clear your ASP cache

By default, when you compile a Web application the compiled code is placed in the Temporary ASP.NET Files folder. This folder is a subdirectory of the location where you installed the .NET framework.

If you're seeing strange caching behavior either in the Console or in WebAccess and an IISreset is not correcting your problem you can try to clear the Temporary ASP.NET Files.

developmentdotnetasp.netOne min read