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Amplify unheard voices in the open-source community

4 min read

Organizations that leverage social media to amplify their voices may find that they missed a crucial step. Often, people will not speak up, if we don't let them. Let's discuss how we can be sure to include diverse points of view.

Let me speak for the open-source community

As an engineer, I'm constantly inspired by the work my coworkers do. It’s what drives me to improve my skills and make sure that what I build has a purpose. But sometimes it can be hard to find the motivation to do the work. There are many reasons why people give up on open source software projects, but one of the biggest struggles is feeling like their efforts aren't worthwhile. That's why I’ve decided to write this article — to encourage anyone who feels like they struggle with finding motivation for open source projects to get back up and do what they love.

The more you learn about the social web, the more you realize that there are many voices to be heard. It's not just a bunch of people speaking at once. There's a lot of energy and activity going on in the background that we miss because it's not visible to us.

When I started open-sourcing my web projects, I had no idea who would benefit from my work. When people started asking where they could get involved, it became clear that there were two groups: people who wanted to help me make the world a better place and people who just wanted to watch. Asking whether someone should contribute has turned out to be more difficult than figuring out how.

There are lots of ways you can amplify the voices of people who may not have access to the opportunities we have in this world; It is important to have the right community around you. It is equally important not to be self-promoting and to let other people speak for themselves. There are plenty of ways to amplify the voices of people who care about your topic. One of the best (and easiest) ways is to find open source projects or projects created by your community that you can use for your own gain. If someone else is doing work on something related to your topic, ask them if they would be interested in talking about it on their blog or in channels they are actively involved in.

Open-source software is not free. Open-source software is not static. Open-source software evolves with you—and is built on the contributions of millions of users around the world. It is never going to be just another product target for large corporations, because it isn't intended to be. Open source means YOU get to decide what happens to it — be it improvements or removal. I'm incredibly grateful to the many companies that support open-source software through products like Github and ArchiTECH; these companies are pioneers in their fields and deserve our support as they continue to make the internet better for everyone.

Open source is not just about code; it's about a way of thinking about technology that is more collaborative, collaborative, open-minded and just generally better. We identify problems and offer solutions, not just to each other but also to our employers. We are the ones pushing the limits of what's possible in software and hardware; in fact, it's often the case that we bring solutions to markets that are so far ahead of their competitors that their companies never take notice. I think it's time for us to step up our game where the action is happening, not just on our projects but in our daily lives as well.

The Web needs more voices. I'm passionate about amplifying the voices of people who help make the Web better--from automated source moderation to reporting security issues to fixing them and even creating tools for marginalized groups. My goal is to help the open Web keep growing while making it more relevant and special to everyone.

The Open Web is made up of contributors from all over the world. It's also a community of people who want to improve and share knowledge. In my role as community manager, I work with people who are using free and paid software to show others how to do things better. Not only do I help them with hard contributions (bug reports, fixes), but I also work with them on writing guides, blog posts, and software projects. This is a role that's been very meaningful for me.

Let me speak for countless organizations that use Open Source Software as a strategic platform across many nations and industries

We've all wanted to be heard, seen and considered; acknowledged for the work that we do. But there is so much out there - loud, distracting and without context - that it can be easy to get lost in the noise. It's easy to forget about the stories behind the organizations you support. That's why I'm asking you to take action by amplifying the voices of people like you across the globe.  Amplify the voices of entrepreneurs, creatives and leaders by sharing their stories directly on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media channels.

Consider this: the world is in desperate need of constructive, measurable change. Yet more than 60% of people still decide what they want to do about their financial situation by listening to their gut instead of using facts to support their solution. This is absurd. For everyone to succeed in the 21st-century economy, we all need to take action on habits and attitudes that keep us from prospering. It doesn't matter how much you study or how hard you work if you don't take action.

It's your turn to help them succeed

Even small contributions make a difference for these technology-driven companies

When you contribute to open source projects, you’re amplifying the voices of people who could never normally reach the top. What’s more, these contributions build momentum for the projects and make them more sustainable for everyone involved. The contributions you make can help a project from inception to success.

Ambition is a contagious attitude, and that contagious spirit is being harnessed to fuel a movement for responsible corporate action. As entrepreneurs, we feel like we're on a mission to change the world — but we're not sure what that mission is. We're executing within our parameters but without a clear perspective point. We're excited about what's possible but unsure how to make it happen. That's the spirit at the heart of Ambition